Learn the Rhythms of the Bible
Discover the essence of spiritual growth with our Bible mobile app. We're dedicated to empowering users to not only read but live the scriptures. Featuring the Tree of Life Version, supplemented with enriching multimedia, our app facilitates a transformative journey through the Word. Our mission is to equip individuals with the tools to align their lives with the comannds of Adonai, fostering familial growth rooted in divine wisdom. Join us in embracing the power of living the Bible.

Read the Bible with the Tree of Life Version
This new Bible translation, produced by the Tree of Life Bible Society highlights the rich Hebrew roots of the Christian faith by restoring:
- Jewish order of the books of the Old Testament
- Jewish name of the Messiah, Yeshua
- Reverence for the four-letter unspoken name of God
- Hebrew transliterated terms, such as shalom, shofar, and shabbat
Enjoy verse sharing, inline footnotes & glossary word definitions, Gospels in audio, and Bible search

Follow the Biblical Calendar
Although we live according to the Gregorian Calendar as citizens of an earthly nation, we follow the journey of Israel along the Biblical calendar punctuated by the feasts of ADONAI as described by Leviticus 23.
- Shabbat Weekly Readings
- Rosh Chodesh (New Moon)
- Spring Feasts
- Fall Feasts
Know when Holidays occur including color coded weeks of the month.

Watch Videos
Learning about the Bible through other perspectives is key to our walk with the Lord. Beyond the Biblical Text, we have multimedia content and series like:
- TLV Key Principles
- Parsha in 60 Seconds
- TLV Talk
- Art of Knowing God
Enjoy exclusive teachings about the Bible, Parashat, and translation.

Explore the Extras
Included in our Extras area are printables, galleries, and reference material like:
- Blessings & Prayers
- Bible Art Galleries
- Devotionals
- Children's Coloring Pages
Engage with the Bible through creativity.
What people are saying
TLV Bible+
- Unlimited Video Series: Over 250+ videos
- All Biblical Art Galleries: Over 250+ art pieces
- Extra-Biblical Content: Book introductions, Expanded glossary index, full Audio Bible
- Expanded Calendar: Reference past/future + add custom events
- Curated Children's Corner: Devotionals & printable pages
- Article Center: over 50 Articles from TLV Scholars
- Blessings & Prayers: Over 25 different liturgies with audio